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You are there. I am here. Worlds separate us. … Yet I say your name, and waves of light wash to me silently from your heart.


My Beloved Master Luke! You are my forever son, and I am your forever father.


I’ll miss you until the day we meet again in heaven 🙏❤️


You were who I aspire to be. Now I’ll carry on for both of us.


We miss your funny sayings, stories told and retold, how proud your grandchildren made you, and your amazingly beautiful piano playing.

Laurie E

It is my hope and dream that, as we heal our wounds, we become kinder and more loving. Let it begin with me.

Iris Bolton

I’ll see you on the other side, brotha!


I know everything has a beginning and ending. Let’s be clear my love for you will never end.


Even though I couldn’t stay, I’ll still be with you every day. Your twin sister I will always be, for I am you, and you are me.


I love you, Hunny Bunny.


At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

Laurence Binyon

I have never loved someone so much, nor grieved their loss so much. You were my everything.


Whatever we were to each other, that we are still.

Henry Scott-Holland

When the music’s over, turn out the lights.

Jim Morrison

She had the curliest hair. Her smile would light up the room.

Her mom.

Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday.


When I go
don’t learn to live without me
just learn to look for me in the moments.
I will be there.

Donna Ashworth

I love you more ❤️


I was forever changed when you came into my life, and forever changed again when you left.


Despite life being such an effort, you persevered and achieved so many of your dreams. Now, your struggles are over. Rest easy, my love, back in the arms of God.


Forever loved

Forever missed

Forever remembered 


Much loved. Much missed. Forever in our hearts.

Susan Auerbach

Sadly Missed.


Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure. You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure. ♥


You have been the brightest star we would have followed to the end of the earth…


Although your music stopped, the melody softly lingers.


She never showed any signs. She was always happy. Her smile lit up the room.

Heartbroken Daughter

Greatly loved, deeply missed, and in our hearts forever. A beautiful soul is never forgotten. 


Missed & Loved Beyond Words.


I miss you Dad.  😥xx💔


I can’t carry you in my arms but I can carry your legacy and how I live my life.


Time is too slow for those who wait, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, Time is Eternity.

Henry van Dyke

Talk not of my departure with sighs in your hearts;
Close your eyes and you will see me with you forevermore.

Kahlil Gibran

Your wings were ready, but my heart was not.

Broken Hearted Forever

Let no one forget. Let nothing be forgotten.

Olga Berggolts

Have Peace
Have Understanding
Have Acceptance


Forever in my heart


Today, my dear daughter, I feel and honor all of my emotions. I miss you. 


Love you to infinity and beyond ❤️

Broken Hearted Forever

I’m grateful for the time we shared.


May you find the peace in heaven that you searched for so long to find here on earth.


You will always be my Beautiful Boy. XOXO


Daddy, I understand.


The fierce, never-ending love that I feel for my son is the very thing that sustains me every day.


We love you so much, & pray you are happy & at peace.❤️

Mom & Dad

Thank you for the joy and inspiration you brought into our lives. You were a great man – a great artist – a great friend and a great father.


I will always honor your memory.


You never said goodbye.

Suzanne and Paul

You spent your life trying to save others. My regret is that I couldn’t save you.


I end where you begin
And begin where you end;
You are my Earth’s horizon
And the axis on which it spins.

Eric Overby

You gave us memories too beautiful to forget.


Our beautiful memories we created together keep you close in my heart.


Your life and death won’t be without meaning. … If even one life can be saved from telling our story, then the ripples of your legacy, your life and even your loss will be without end.

Deborah Greene

Until we meet again, my grumpy old man. You are forever in my heart.💚


He loved everyone.


Heaven is even more beautiful now that you’re there.

A loving wife

You will be loved and remembered.❤️


In everything I do and say, everywhere I go and everything I experience, I will try to make you proud. I’ll live this life in your honor for I am blessed to be your mother.

Alice Keyes

Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you. I love you, son. Till we met again.


You are my soulmate, my best friend, and my forever after.


Your easy beautiful smile that would light up a room and your gentle heart will never be forgotten. We carry you with us, always and forever. Until we meet again. We love you.


beautiful soul is never forgotten. 


I will be forever grateful to have been your mom. I will spend the rest of my life honoring you and trying to be more like the amazing person you were. Till I see you again! I love you, my boy!


My mom was my best friend I could talk to her about any and everything.


We may not know how to find light in darkness, but it can be found; it can be created, if we are committed to the light.

Rabbi Baruch HaLevi

In a field of roses, you are a beautiful smiling sunflower with a heart of gold.


Right now, my beautiful boy is walking through the Pearly Gates of Heaven. He is walking straight up to Saint Peter with an extended hand and saying: Hi! My name is Pat.

Steve Shannon

Part of our legacy will be telling our loved one’s story, the good and the bad. We are the truth bearers now, the ones who can keep their memories alive and bring a cautionary tale to others.


He is a special light!


I will forever be your sunshine and you will forever be in my heart ♥


But tell me, did the wind sweep you off your feet? Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day and head back to the Milky Way?


Love never dies.


He had the biggest heart you could imagine.


For as long as we live
they too shall live
for they are now a part of us
as we remember them.

Jewish Prayer

Always Loved, Never Forgotten ❤️

I miss you so much, Dad.


I miss you, my friend, forever in my heart. ❤️

She flies with the hummingbirds now. No pain, no chains, she’s free.

We put you in the ground … but I see you in the stars.
